Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If you are what you eat in my case I'd be sweet

Well hello, lovely blogging world. I don't know what is motivating me to do this. I think it's just my desire to share. You see, I'm a 24 year old young professional so I work 8+ hours a day. What's difficult for me is to make time for myself. I wanted to leave work at work and be able to come home and channel my energy into something that was for me. Well, what does everyone need to do when they get home in the evening? Eat! And it's easy to go out to a restaurant or pick up something quick on the way home, but you could spend over $100 a week doing that if you aren't careful.

So, I've always fancied myself a pretty awful cook. I've been known to ruin a batch of boxed brownies... and over/under cook microwave meals... and launch into a baking ordeal without double-checking to see if I had all the ingredients only to find out that I don't. But, I'm trying to do better. And if I make a mistake somewhere along the way, well I'll certainly document it so that anyone out there reading this doesn't make the same mistake.

Lately I've had strong urges to bake or cook something and I usually end up sharing it with my roommate or taking it in the office so I don't feel bad about eating an entire batch of cupcakes. I've been getting really nice compliments on my whatever it is that I made, so I'm excited and I wanted to share it all with the Internet.

Trust me when I say that I will not be posting here everyday. I travel sometimes for work, so I obviously won't be cooking then and sometimes I'm just so beat that a bowl of Raisin Bran and an apple ends up being my dinner. But when I do cook, I'll document it via poorly lit iPhone photos and my ever-so-eloquent written word.


p.s. I'm not Italian; I'm actually half-Cuban, but "mangi" seemed so much better than "coma."

[Jason Mraz] Too Much Food

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